Top 10 Pokémon Type Combos You Need to Know for Battling

With over 18 different types and countless combinations, the strategic possibilities are endless in Pokémon battles. The combos not only enhance the strength of Pokémon but also provide unique resistances that can turn the tables in tables.

So, it is essential for both trainers and fans to familiarize themselves with different Pokémon combinations. To make things easier, in this blog post, we have listed and explained the top 10 Pokémon type combos that everyone should know. Without any delay, let’s fire away.

Also, read our blog post about Understanding Regional Pokémon Variants & Their Types

10 Best Pokémon Type Combos That You Should Know

Below we have discussed 10 Pokémon combos that every aspiring trainer and fan should know.


On top of the list, we have dragon/flying move. This special combo is immune to ground-type moves, making it a highly valuable choice against ground-type attackers Pokémon characters. Moreover, it is also capable of resisting grass, bugs, fighting, and even water attacks.

In simple words, this Pokémon type combo can easily withstand a variety of common attacks or threats.


Dragon/flying also has multiple weaknesses that you should know about. For instance, this combo is highly vulnerable to ice with a damage of 4x. Besides this, it also struggles against rock, (2x damage) and fairy (2x damage).

Notable Pokémon:

  • Rayquaza: It is a legendary Pokémon that is known for its stats and access to powerful moves like dragon ascent.
  • Salamence: This one is known for its versatility and strong defensive capabilities.

2. Steel/Fairy:

The second spot goes to steel/fairy – a combo that is also immune to dragon-type moves and is loaded with a number of resistances including:

  • Normal
  • Flying
  • Psychic
  • Bug
  • Rock
  • Fairy

All these make steel/fairy one of the most defensively robust Pokémon combos.


It is highly vulnerable to Fire and Ground moves with a damage of 2x. Due to this reason, careful positioning is recommended when using this combo.

Notable Pokémon:

  • Mawile: It is considered a formidable attacker with high attack stats.
  • Magearna: A highly versatile Pokémon because of the variety of fighting moves and abilities.

3. Water/Ground:

This Pokémon type combo is immune to electric-type moves and considered highly effective against numerous water-type threats. Apart from this, it is also capable of resisting steel, poison, fire, and rock attacks.


The weakness will blow your mind. It is vulnerable to grass-type moves with a damage of 4x. This is a significant threat, so never take it lightly.

Notable Pokémon:

  • Swampert: It is basically a starter Pokémon that is widely known for its powerful moves such as earthquake, and waterfall.
  • Gastrodon: This one also offers strong moves in bulk like storm drain, recovery, and many more.

4. Ghost/Dark:

It is immune to both normal and fighting-type moves and is particularly effective against Psychic and Ghost attackers. However, it is important to note that, it lacks wide resistance and only withstands Poison and Ghost moves.


The Ghost/Dark combo is vulnerable to Fairy, Bug, and Dark-type moves with 2x damage each. So, you will play strategically to avoid these threats.

Notable Pokémon:

  • Sableye: This Pokémon is recognized due to its prankster ability, allowing it to use status moves, making it a great support Pokémon.
  • Spiritomb: It offers a completely unique typing with no notable weaknesses in the earlier generations.

5. Fire/Fighting:

This Pokémon combo is considered an effective option against many common threats such as Bug, Steel, Fairy, Ice, and Dark-type Pokémon. Additionally, it has strong offensive capabilities and access to powerful STAB moves.


It is vulnerable to Water, Ground, and Flying moves with 2x damage. This can prove really problematic on the battlefield.

Notable Pokémon:

  • Blaziken: It has high-speed ability and numerous powerful physical attacks that make it a competitive option.
  • Infernape: This Pokémon is referred to as a versatile attacker, because of its access to both physical and special moves.

6. Bug/Fighting:

We think the name already provides a good idea. The Pokémon type combo is resistant to Grass, Fighting, Ground, and many Dark-type moves. This indicates it is capable of handling a bunch of threats with maximum ease.


Just like other combos listed above, this one is also vulnerable to different things such as Flying (damage 2x), Fire (damage 2x), Psychic (damage 2x), Fairy (damage 2x), and Fairy-type moves.

Notable Pokémon:

  • Heracross: It is known for its high attack stat and several powerful moves such as Close Combat, Megahorn, etc.
  • Scizor: This one possesses a unique ability that allows it to boost weaker moves to cause greater damage to the opponent Pokémon.

7. Electric/Steel:

This combo of Pokémon is immune to Poison-type moves and is highly resistant to Flying, Steel, Dragon, Fairy, Psychic, Normal, and Rock-type moves. The combo is defensively really strong and has effective offensive coverage as well.


The combo is only vulnerable to Ground-type moves with a maximum of 2x damage. So, as a trainer or fan, you can handle it easily.

Notable Pokémon:

  • Magnezone: This Pokémon is capable of trapping Steel-types Pokémon with its Magnetic Pull feature.
  • Zekrom: It is a legendary Pokémon that has high offensive stats and is loaded with strong electric moves.

8. Ground/Grass:

Based on its name, the combo is resistant to Grass, Water, Electric, Rock, and Poison-type moves. Apart from this, it also has access to powerful STAB moves, making it a decent option for many type-matchups.


The combo is vulnerable to Ice, Fire, Flying, and Bug with a maximum damage of 2x.

Notable Pokémon:

  • Torterra: It is widely known for its bulk and access to moves like Earthquake and Wood Hammer.
  • Lurantis: This one also offers excellent utility with access to moves like Leaf Storm, and Synthesis.

9. Ice/Flying:

This second-last Pokémon combo on our list is resistant to only Grass and Ground-type moves. It can easily tackle certain dangerous threats with maximum ease and is also loaded with decent fighting moves for battle domination.


It is helpless against Rock (2x damage), Electric (2x damage), and Steel (2x damage) moves. Being exposed to these many moves can definitely be problematic.

Notable Pokémon:

  • Articuno: This Pokémon has excellent defense capabilities and access to special fighting moves such as Ice Beams.
  • Altaria: It will offer you great versatility with moves like Flying, Dragon, and many more.

10. Rock/Ground:

Finally, this is the last Pokémon combo that you should know. It is resistant to Normal, Poison, Flying, and Fire-type moves, and is considered a smart option against physical attackers. The combo also has excellent offensive abilities.


The combo is easily exposed to Water, Grass, Fighting, Ground, Steel, and Ice moves with 2x damage of each.

Notable Pokémon:

  • Garchomp: This is a powerful sweeper Pokémon that has high attack and speed stats for competitive gameplay.
  • Tyranitar: A versatile Pokémon having the ability to set up Sandstorm, boosting special defense.

Wrapping Up

Having a good understanding of different types of Pokémon combinations is crucial if you want to dominate the battlefield. In this blog post, we have discussed the top 10 combos in detail along with their strengths, weaknesses, and notable Pokémon.

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