Advanced Pokémon Breeding Calculator

The Pokémon breeding calculator helps both trainers and casual fans to predict the traits and outcomes of breeding two Pokémon. It has totally streamlined the complex breeding process by quickly and accurately calculating potential outcomes such as Pokémon species, abilities, nature, IVs, portability of producing a shiny Pokémon, and many more.

Parent 1


Parent 2


Advanced Features

Breeding Guides and Tips

Basic Breeding Guide

Pokemon breeding is a method to obtain Pokemon with desired traits. Here are the basics:

  • Compatible Pokemon can breed at the Day Care or Nursery.
  • Eggs hatch after a certain number of steps.
  • Offspring inherit some traits from parents.

Advanced Breeding Tips

  • Use Destiny Knot to pass down 5 IVs from parents.
  • Everstone passes down the holder's Nature.
  • Female Pokemon have a higher chance to pass down their Ability.
  • Breeding with Ditto allows any Pokemon to pass down their traits.

IV Breeding Guide

To breed for perfect IVs:

  1. Start with high IV Ditto or parent Pokemon.
  2. Use Destiny Knot to pass down 5 IVs.
  3. Replace parents with offspring that have better IVs.
  4. Repeat until you get the desired IV spread.


How to Use this Pokémon Breeding Calculator

To effectively breed two Pokémon with the calculator, you have to follow the steps mentioned below.

Select Parent Pokémon:

First, you have to choose two parent Pokémon that you want to breed. This selection can be done using the drop-down menu of both respective fields “Parent 1” & “Parent 2.”

Pick Parent Attribues:

Now, for both Parents 1 & 2, you have to select nature, and ability and input their IVs (HP, Attack, Defense, Speed, etc.) as well.

Configure Advanced Options:

If needed, you can also configure advanced options. This includes “Ticking if you are using Ditto.” You can also tick “Using Destiny Knot,” or “Using Shiny Charm” if required. Additionally, you will also have the option to select any “Egg Moves.”

Pick Breeding Environment:

Once you are done with the configuration of advanced options, it is time to select the breeding environment for the entered Pokémon characters. The options you will have are; Daycare, Nursery, and Poke Pelago.

Calculate Results:

Now, just hit the “Calculate Breeding Results” button to get detailed/comprehensive output results.

Save or Load Profile:

If you love the breeding results, then you can save them by clicking the “Save Profile” button. When it comes to viewing the saved profile, a “Load Profile” button is also given.

Key Features of Pokémon Breeding Calculator

There are a bunch of features of this Pokémon calculator for breeding, some of them are discussed below.

User interface: The tool features a simple-to-understand interface with clear usage instructions. This means users don’t have to face any sort of hassle.

Comprehensive Database of Pokémon: Our free breeding calculator for Pokémon is loaded with a diverse database of Pokémon so that you have a wide choice to breed your favorite Pokémon characters.

Availability of Advanced Breeding Option: This is something that makes our breeding calculator stand out tall among its counterparts. It provides multiple advanced options to take your breeding experience to the next level. The options include choosing Egg moves, breeding environment, and many more.

Save & Load Functionality: The calculator also provides users with the option to save their favorite breeding profile for later use. Not only this, but it also allows you to load the saved profiles with a single click.

Availability: It is completely free for worldwide Pokémon lovers and trainers, and can be easily accessed with a decent internet connection.

Benefits of Using an Online Pokémon Breeding Calculator

Below we have briefly discussed the benefits of using our Pokémon breeding calculator.

  • Increased Knowledge: By utilizing this breeding calculator for Pokémon, you will have the opportunity to learn about different Pokémon genetics and inheritance mechanics.
  • Strategic Team Planning: You can plan a powerful team of different Pokémon characters by getting yourself familiar with precise genetic traits.
  • Competitive Edge: You will have the opportunity to breed Pokémon with optimal stats and abilities for competitive play – which is the main priority of every fan right?

Frequently Asked Questions

How does the calculator handle egg moves?

The Pokémon breeding calculator checks which egg moves can be passed from the parent Pokémon to the offspring. It is important to note that, egg moves are special moves that a Pokémon can also only learn through breeding.

Are the breeding results provided by the calculator are 100% accurate?

The results provided by the calculator are highly accurate, as it operates on official breeding mechanics and traits.

Is this Pokémon breeding calculator a suitable tool for beginners?

Yes, it features a user-friendly design for users of all skill levels.